Yes, the CRINK nations are closing ranks, coordinating, innovating and gearing up economies, industries and militaries specifically to undermine and shred democracy around the world. Redrawing national boundaries by force is criminal to us, but becoming standard ideology and policy for them. Harnessing AI for a variety of innovative advances in weapons technology is one key to surviving in this environment. But, it’s not a stand alone critical pursuit.

Educating governments of the western nations, especially ours in the U.S., to the seriousness and scope of the threat is not going well. We seem to be saddled by one administration that is too worried about escalation (no use of our weapons on Russian soil !) and the threat of a potentially incoming administration too intent on isolationism (no more funding for Ukraine !).

If governments will not lead with boldness, they will repeatedly negotiate from weakness. All the AI tools that can be created will not help, if they are warehoused till it’s to late.

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This call for a “Vision for Competiveness” points out why the U.S. National Security Strategy needs to continue to evolve to include ‘whole of nation’ ends, ways and means. While this call includes several references to talent and education, the assertion that “Only by leading in human capital can America retain its edge” should be further developed to the point of being another pillar. Our public primary and secondary education sector is not close to ‘world class’ status and has become politicized. The overall education ‘industry’ should be enabled with educators, facilities, partnerships, and technology to support the other pillars.

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