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The war UKR is fighting is not the war we’ll be fighting against China if we ever get to that point.

The future of warfare will always look different from conflict to conflict. Always has, always will.

It’s not to say that FPV drones and autonomous maritime drones are going to go away; it’s that the war we are preparing to fight is global—urban, jungle, precipitous, desert, from the seabed to space, and not along a 1000 km FLOT in our back yard.

UKR does not have access to all the tools in our arsenal, which means they are relegated to make due with drones and commercial (and highly exploitable) communication architectures.

They are also precluded from using US weaponry to strike Russia or Iran, for that matter, which means they’ll never defeat the source of Russian, Iranian, and Chinese commodities (material support, money, etc.).

Comparing what the US and its allies and partners will face in the next conflict to that of which UKR is facing now isn’t an accurate comparison. If we think for one second we are willing to accept 100,000+ American deaths while not using ICBMs, TBMs, SLBMs, strategic bombers, and other highly sophisticated weapons, we are wrong.

We will face drones, as we did during campaigns to eliminate ISIS, but we also have deep-strike weapons to bomb factories and supply chains and can execute leadership strikes worldwid… everything is on the table when the US goes interstate.

If the US were in UKR’s position, we would have smashed Russia when they were sitting in their assembly areas preparing to invade. And if Russia showed any resolve beyond that, we would have destroyed all of their factories, air bases, and naval fleet before they could reconstitute.

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